Unai Extremo

Unai Extremo



Unai Extremo

What has been your business/work highlight of 2024 so far?

As CEO of a company with a clear strategic objective to grow in the United States I would say that so far, my work highlight of 2024 has been being able to hire John Cunningham, a reference person in the XR world with an incredible track record, to lead our strategy as president of Virtualware USA.

Who is your business hero and why?

I am not a person of heroes, that I idolize anyone.

But in terms of business, maybe because I recognize myself in them, I like those people who have a technical background, who undertake business from technical knowledge, who have a clear vision and bet on it and who are self-made and linked to technological, innovative and disruptive companies.

To name a few, Bill gates, Marc Benioff or Ben Horowich.

What’s the biggest business mistake you’ve made and what did you learn from it?

I have made a lot of mistakes and continue to do so, that’s why I’m a fast learner….

I don’t have a specific mistake in mind, but I think that on some occasions I have not been quick enough to make decisions and set a clear direction for the company.

I have understood that the hardest but most important thing is to decide what you don’t want to be or what you don’t want to do, as a company.
Over the last few years, I have come to understand how hard it is as a company to say no to what you are used to doing but that doesn’t help you go in the direction you have set out to go.
But I have also come to understand that this is exactly what you need in order to move quickly towards the goal you have set for yourself as a company.

Having a clear strategy, a well-defined focus, communicating it well and making everyone in your organisation aware of it is the only way to be able to reject and say no to those initiatives, projects or businesses that scatter you and do nothing but waste your efforts and slow you down in what is important.

What’s the most inspirational book you’ve ever read and why?

I love to read and in the last few years I have read dozens of books related to business, leadership and innovation.

One of the books that has inspired me the most is “Good to great” by Jim Collins.
I think it is a book that any CEO should read.

I read the book at a time when the company was redefining its business model and some concepts like the “Hedgehog Concept” were eye-opening for me. In fact, in the company’s 2021-2023 strategic plan, one of the most disruptive plans in our history, express reference is made to this concept and to many of Jim Collins’ theories that he explains in the book.

What’s the biggest challenge you face in your role in 2024?

The year 2024 is the year in which we have started a new strategic plan with a focus on significant growth.

This year we are laying the groundwork for growth through our partner program and that is the biggest challenge ahead of us. We have worked hard to have a technology platform that brings significant value to our customers, and we have made great progress in making it service-friendly so that our partners can develop services on it.

Our biggest challenge this year is to grow our channel and help them generate significant opportunities that will allow them to introduce our platform and generate revenue in the form of services to their customers.

What technology will have the greatest impact on your business this year and why?

We are closely following the evolution of artificial intelligence as well as cloud rendering technologies. I believe that both technologies are going to have a significant impact on our business in the coming months or rather years.

We are working on several early-stage projects to introduce these technologies into our platform as well as into our more operational processes.

In the case of Artificial Intelligence, we are already applying it in internal operational processes with satisfactory results in terms of efficiency and productivity.

With respect to cloud rendering technology, we have already developed pilots with our platform that allow us to be ready to offer services to our clients when the providers of these services have the necessary infrastructure to ensure quality and reliability.

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