Jay Latta
Chief Dreamer
STINT - Strategic Intelligence for New Technologies
Jay Latta
What has been your business/work highlight of 2024 so far?
After selling my Think Tank, am in the phase out and already in a new adventure. The current niche develops much faster than expected.
Who is your business hero and why?
Steve Jobs.
He never gave up. Had a unique sense for opportunities and how to tell the right story.
Due to an intrigue fired from Apple, set another benchmark with NeXT, joined Pixar, returned to Apple and shaped our all understanding about technology.
What’s the biggest business mistake you’ve made and what did you learn from it?
A startup investment. The founder believed an investor, ignored my concerns, IP was transferred to a CN entity and the rest is history.
What’s the most inspirational book you’ve ever read and why?
Ummm… I love to read and so it’s not just one.
Of course as child I lived in the stories of Jules Verne. If I really have to chose just one… the Diamond Age from Neal Stephenson.
From Molecular Assemblers, via AI systems, Nanotechnology, fall of Nations and decentral societies, questioning economy.
So many parallels to our current situation and maybe an outlook?
What’s the biggest challenge you face in your role in 2024?
My new adventure. Guess it will keep me busy the next 10yrs.
What technology will have the greatest impact on your business this year and why?
A 3D nanoprinter. This thing can revolutionise manufacturing where only ownership on the rights to the building plans will have economic significance.
Other influences on my business will come from Spatial Computing, hybrid AI systems and Robotics.